PSLE Preparation Tips
PSLE (written) Is Round the Corner (7th Oct 09-12th Oct 09).

PSLE Preparation Tips
In daily revision, attempt all kinds of questions eg: MCQ, short-answer questions, and long questions.
When attempting past year papers, time yourself. Aim to finish the paper within the stipulated time.
Most Maths problem sums can be solved by the "model method". Draw models and show your working clearly as marks will be awarded for working (method) and answer.
Adhere to a routine which allows time for leisure and rest.
Jot down formulae, properties (for Maths and Science) in point form on cards, they save time in revision.
Although languages take longer time to master, it takes common sense to decipher new words in a passage.
Read the sentences and words surrounding the word to guess its meaning.
Go through questions/concepts you do not understand with your tutor regularly. Practice makes perfect, so
be diligent in doing the work assigned by your school teachers and tutors.
Sleep early on the night before exams. There is no point in last-minute revision as short-term memory does not last.

PSLE Preparation Tips
In daily revision, attempt all kinds of questions eg: MCQ, short-answer questions, and long questions.
When attempting past year papers, time yourself. Aim to finish the paper within the stipulated time.
Most Maths problem sums can be solved by the "model method". Draw models and show your working clearly as marks will be awarded for working (method) and answer.
Adhere to a routine which allows time for leisure and rest.
Jot down formulae, properties (for Maths and Science) in point form on cards, they save time in revision.
Although languages take longer time to master, it takes common sense to decipher new words in a passage.
Read the sentences and words surrounding the word to guess its meaning.
Go through questions/concepts you do not understand with your tutor regularly. Practice makes perfect, so
be diligent in doing the work assigned by your school teachers and tutors.
Sleep early on the night before exams. There is no point in last-minute revision as short-term memory does not last.
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